Friday, April 23, 2010

Different branches of science are as follows

Different branches of science are as follows:

Bacteriology : The study of bacteria

BioChemistry : The study of chemical processes of living things.

Bioclimatology : The study of the effects of climate upon living organisms.

Biology : The study of living things.

Biometry : The application of mathematics to the study of living things.

Biomechanics : The study of the mechanical laws relating to the movement or structure of living organisms.

Biometeorology : The study of the effects of atmospheric conditions on living organisms.

Bionics : The study of functions, characteristics and phenomena observed in the living world and the application of the knowledge to the world of machines.

Bionomics : The study of the relation of an organism to its environments.

Bionomy : The science of the laws of life.

Biophysics : the physics of vital processes (living things)

Botany : The study of plants.

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